Volunteer with NCADD
NCADD and many of its Member Affiliates rely on volunteers to help further our mission. Whether it is joining a committee, assisting with logistical support for local events, participating in fundraisers such as Recovery Month celebrations, preparing mailings, or answering telephones, your help can make a profound difference.
“Giving back” is a proud and rewarding tradition within the recovery community. Those who have navigated their own recovery or supported others in their journey extend a hand to those seeking help, achieving a deeper commitment to their own recovery in the process. Many have reported that, in return for their time and talents, they have received benefits that far exceeded their expectations or what they felt they contributed.
Some Benefits of Volunteering:
- Feel needed and valued
- Make a difference in someone’s life
- Broaden your sober social contacts and meet new people
- Learn new skills
- Increase your self-esteem and self-confidence
- Contribute to your community
- Get renewed purpose for your day
- Receive satisfaction from completing a task
- Feel a part of something larger than yourself
- Feel proud of your commitment
- Find a place to share your talents or skills