NCADD Staff & Board of Directors


Denise L. Kolivoski, MBA
Denise L. Kolivoski, MBA, Executive Director
Stacie Zellin
Stacie Zellin, Communications and Outreach Coordinator

NCADD Board of Directors

Hal Hathaway
Hal Hathaway
President (North Carolina)
Michael Ballue
Michael Ballue, CADC-II, CHC, BSBA
Vice President (California)
Behavioral Health Services, Inc.
Nancy Rosen-Cohen
Nancy Rosen-Cohen, MBA
Treasurer (Maryland)
NCADD Maryland
Rob White
Robert White, LCPC
Secretary (Maryland)
University of MD School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry
Jenny Armbruster
Member (Missouri)
Interim Executive Director at PreventEd in St. Louis
Thomas Beresford
Thomas Beresford, MD
Member (Colorado)
Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center 116
Summer Brancoccio
Summer Brancoccio, LPC, LCADC, ACS, CCS
Member (New Jersey)
NCAAR (National Center for Advocacy and Recovery)
Nichole Dawsey
Nichole Dawsey
Member (Alabama)
Addiction Prevention Coalition
Julie Dostal
Julie Dostal, Ed. S., CPP, LMHC
Member (Alabama)
LEAF Council on Alcoholism and Addictions
Emily Hage
Emily Hage
Member (Missouri)
President and CEO of First Call Alcohol/Drug Prevention & Recovery in Kansas City, Missouri
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith
Member (Mississippi)
Executive Director of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of Central Mississippi (NCADD)