Teen Self-Assessment Test by admin | Jun 18, 2024 | 0 comments Teen Self-Assessment Are worried about substance use? By responding to the questions below, you can assess if you or someone you know might be facing alcohol or drug-related challenges and require support. Instructions: These questions serve as a self-assessment to evaluate alcohol and drug involvement in your life. When answering each question, please reflect on your behavior over the past 12 months. Do you use alcohol or other drugs to feel more self-confident, more sociable, or more powerful? Yes No None Do you ever drink or get high immediately after you have a problem at home or at school? Yes No None Have you lost friends because of your alcohol or drug use, or started hanging out with a heavy drinking or drug-using crowd? Yes No None Do you feel guilty or bummed out after using alcohol or other drugs, or ever wake up and wonder what happened the night before? Yes No None Have you gotten into trouble at home or school, missed school, or been busted or hospitalized because of alcohol or other drugs? Yes No None Do your friends use “less” alcohol and/or other drugs than you, or do you consume alcohol or other drugs until your supply is all gone? Yes No None Do you think you have a problem with alcohol or other drugs? Yes No None Time's up Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.